Goggue yan CHachalåni Mo’na I Fino’-ta

This was a grant project funded by a University of Guam CLASS NSF for the fundamental documentation of the CHamoru language which needed a brand identity to build consistency across their social media, podcast, and YouTube channels.

The biggest challenge of this project was creating an identity with enough contrast from the University’s to stand on its own while ensuring just enough consistency to prevent visual tension if they should need to sit in the same space.


After multiple concepts and rounds of iterations, we ultimately landed on a deeply indigenous mark of a Sihek (mariana’s kingfisher) holding a microphone to represent endangered native voices being heard.

It was only fitting to also take color direction from the beloved inspiration of the logo.

The mixture of line weights that frame the image and the type design provide subtle consistency against other logos of academia.


Chief Hurao Academy


B&G Pacific